Epicor Smart Inventory Planning and Optimisation

The Epicor Smart Inventory Planning and Optimization platform includes three modules:

Epicor Smart Demand Planner. Provides statistical forecasting that automatically selects the right forecast model for each item accounting for trend, seasonality and promotion/event-driven demand.

Epicor Smart Inventory Optimization. Delivers inventory policy decision support and the means to share, collaborate, and track the impact of your inventory planning policy.

Epicor Smart Operational Analytics. A reporting tool that offers a 360 degree of the inventory so you can identify value, stocking trends, overstocks, understocks, and potential order cancellations. 

Solution Benefits

The Epicor Smart Inventory and Optimization provides a modern platform that allows you to:

  • Improve forecast accuracy
  • Identify and correct inventory imbalances
  • Assess and track operational performance
  • Reduce product and inventory costs


The platform offers a convergence of robust forecasting methodologies, optimization techniques, and consensus demand and inventory planning delivered via an easy-to-use web interface accessible through any browser. 






  • In partnership with: Smart Software
  • Compatible with Epicor ERP 10.1.500 and above