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Deborah Wince-Smith, President and CEO of the United States Council on Competitiveness, has made it her life’s work to foster partnerships in driving the future of manufacturing, restore the dignity of work, and ensure the United States maintains its competitive edge. 

The Council on Competitiveness is a leadership organization that includes CEOs, university presidents, labor leaders, and directors of national laboratories. With over 20 years as a senior official in the US government, Deborah was the first senate-confirmed Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy at the Department of Commerce and Assistant Director for International Affairs for the Reagan administration.

On our recent episode of the Manufacturing the Future podcast, Deborah, who is also the president of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils, talks about the frontiers of advanced manufacturing, emphasizing its impact on national security. She highlights the integration of digital technologies in traditional manufacturing processes and discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the industry today, including talent shortages. 


  • The merging of digital and physical worlds in modern manufacturing processes.
  • The pressing competitiveness issues facing the manufacturing industry today, including restoring the pride of work in manufacturing to address talent shortages.
  • The role of technology, especially AI, in driving efficiency and innovation in manufacturing.
  • Fostering a culture of innovation and partnership for success in the manufacturing sector, both as a nation and at the company level.
  • Strategies for leaders who want to stay ahead of trends and changing technologies in the industry.
  • The importance of partnerships, education, and community involvement in shaping the future of manufacturing.


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