Why not join our community today?
We’ve been forging long-term relationships with our partners for decades, and we know the value of your expertise and capabilities. That’s why we’ve invested more than $1m into our award-winning partner program.
Ours is a true partnership based on mutual support, respect and trust. We support you at every step, helping you reach more customers and accelerate more deals. We give you clear commercial space in which to operate, we don’t compete on sales, and we offer front-line support on all our solutions.
When you join our community you’ll enjoy many benefits. We provide a wealth of tools, assets, training and on-demand support, plus certified knowledge-building through Epicor Learning. Our rewards and progression model recognizes your leadership, success, effort and achievement; not just in year one, but in every year, thanks to our unique commercial model.
Epicor offers great incentives, training, and resources to help our resellers succeed. Resellers may market, sell, implement, integrate, service and maintain the end-to-end lifecycle of customers experience. Receive all the tools needed to grow, including: