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What is Epicor CMS?

The automotive industry requires precision and efficiency from their manufacturing and delivery systems. Epicor CMS is a purpose-built ERP solution for automotive manufacturers, with tools and controls that meet the strict delivery requirements and rigorous production deadlines that your customers demand.

  • Reduce shipping errors and tighten inventory accuracy with serialised inventory tracking
  • Gain clear shop floor visibility using loT sensors to monitor your machines
  • Meet ever-changing customer labeling and compliance requirements with world-class automotive EDI
  • Deliver new levels of operational efficiency and eliminate data silos
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Benefits to Manufacturers

Automotive Compliance

The automotive industry has been at the forefront of adopting quality standards and compliance requirements. You may have to follow Minimum Process Requirements and MMOG/LE compliance standards. From trying to maintain a high MMOG/LE rating to complying with a demanding Honda MPR, or Customer EDI requirements, CMS has tools to help you.

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Connect Your Factory

Connect your machines and eliminate the potential for human error by automatically reporting quantities and printing serialised labels lineside. By automating data capture and separating signals from the noise, your operators can focus on what you hired them to do—make quality parts.

Reduce Expedited Freight Costs

Accurate and on-time shipping is not only critical to an organisation's cash flow in the automotive world, it also impacts their supplier rating, and their ability to grow new business. Epicor CMS has built-in controls that can help you meet shipping requirements on time, every time.

CMS Excels in These Industries


CMS Resources

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