數位轉型實現ESG營運永續研討會 (2024年5月22日)
自2023年施政報告宣布的一系列措施,推進新型工業化,促進數字經濟。製造業企業紛紛計劃數碼轉型,走向智能生產。製衣及紡織業落實工業化的情況如何?當中,Epicor的製衣及紡織業客戶利用企業資源規劃系統(ERP)及生產執行系統(MES) ,成功數碼轉型,有效掌握每個生產流程,並能即時在生產上作出修改,應對市場𣊬息萬變的變化,落實再工業化。 ...
This focused session will help you visualize the tangible benefits of Epicor Engineering Management in action. Discover how our solution can streamline collaboration, reduce lead times, and bring...
Discover the transformative power of Epicor CPQ
This impactful presentation dives into the transformative value of well-managed documentation and document workflows. Discover how effective and accurate document management processes can translate...
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