HVAC distributors need to adapt quickly to handle day-to-day challenges plus the added pressures being placed on the industry. From economic uncertainty and new regulations to a growing list of customer and contractor demands, you must continuously improve service efficiency, control costs, and ensure that you never miss a sales opportunity.
Gain the Flexibility to Meet Your Cost Control and Customer Satisfaction Goals
As an HVAC wholesaler, you’re working to exceed customer expectations in an industry that changes hourly, daily and with the seasons. Epicor solutions help you meet your business goals with advanced seasonal inventory control, so you can meet demands and turn items before they go out of season.
Your critical business areas work more efficiently when they work together. Epicor solutions for HVAC distributors span the front counter, sales office, warehouse, back office, and support, so you connect better with your customers and their supply chains.
Epicor HVAC distributor software can be deployed on your servers or in the cloud. By deploying in the cloud, you have access to a constant stream of software updates—helping you bring new capabilities and value-added services into your business. In addition, these innovations do not require large, up-front investments.
Challenges Solved for HVAC Distribution
Use your purchasing history to predict future demand. Drill into the details in your sales data. Explore different scenarios for your business.
EXPLORE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCERun your operations at peak efficiency, from the front-office counter to the warehouse to the customer jobsite. Turn CapEx into OpEx by migrating to a cloud-base solution.
Your sales team wants to focus on customer relationships and mastering new products, not keying in orders. With Epicor, they can complete the entire order entry process from one screen—whether working at the counter, remotely via a mobile computing device or laptop, or over the web.
Running your business in the cloud eases the burden on your in-house IT staff, since you don’t have hardware and software to monitor, maintain, patch, and update. More importantly, it protects your business from costly downtime caused by system issues or an ever-growing flood of cyberattacks.
選擇一套新的 ERP 系統既花時間又耗費資源。為此,選擇的系統不但要符合您的需求,並且也不需要經常或成本過高的自訂。請與 Epicor 聯絡,尋求相關協助。